All About Reiki

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a natural and relaxing healing method that uses hand placements to guide the flow of revitalizing energy through the body. This reduces stress, promotes healing, unblocks energetic channels, moves stuck energy, balances the chakras and cleanses the aural field.

Usually a client will lay on a soft table as the practitioner places their hands throughout and around the body in a series of intuitive and specialized positions. Sessions may use music, a sage smoke cleanse, incense, essential oils, chakra stones, meditations, drumming and/or a sound bath. Each practitioner that administers reiki has a different technique and personality that makes their sessions unique and tailors it to you.

Reiki is great for relaxation, sleep and stress reduction as well as symptom relief. Reiki can dissolve energy blocks and tension, detoxify the body, stimulate the body's immune system and more.

Daniel has been a reiki practitioner since 2021. He fell in love with the practice while experiencing Usui Reiki himself and quickly dove headfirst into the next chapter of his life. Usui Reiki allowed him to step into his purpose and enhance his passion, which has always been to inspire and to help others. In 2023 he received his reiki master certification, which is the highest level of Usui Reiki, which allows him expanded knowledge and access of reiki as well as the ability to teach others to become reiki practitioners, continuing the practice with future generations.

Appointment Types


This option is good for first time reiki clients or anyone who has gone some time without a reiki session. Session is approximately 75-90 minutes.


This option is good for first time reiki clients or follow ups/touch ups. Session is approximately 1 hour.


This option is good for people who are time constricted or follow ups/touch ups. Session is approximately 30 minutes.

Reiki Trainings

Coming Soon…